Monday, January 18, 2010

cake pops!!

okay so i found a cute fun idea on the world wide web and decided to make them for a coworker's recent birthday. they are called "cake pops" - like a lollipop, but with cake instead of candy. FUN right? well, here is a peek into my first (of many many to come) experience with these!

i used a chocolate cake mix, and chocolate icing. you basically crumble up the cake once its cooled, and mix in the can of icing. this is how mine looked...

then i scooped the mixture with my cookie scoop and rolled it into balls and lined them up on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.

after that, i melted the chocolate, dipped the end of a lollipop stick into the chocolate and stuck one into each of the balls of cake mix.

once all the cake pops had sticks i put the tray into the freezer so they could firm up so they wouldn't fall off the sticks when i dipped them in the candy melts.

after about 30 minutes in the freezer, it was time to dip and decorate.

after dipping and decorating i lined them all up in a styrofoam wreath to dry.

this was the end result.


i anticipate having a lot more experiences with these little bites of heaven, and i learned a lot of things doing this for the first time.

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